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Dental-Friendly Valentine's Day Ideas

valentine's day dental-friendly ideas

Valentine’s Day is almost here! For most people, that means overindulging in candy and chocolate that could put your oral health in jeopardy. If you’re searching for ideas on how to celebrate with the ones you love without getting a cavity along the way, your friends at Access Dental can help! Here are some creative tips that we recommend for our patients to have a smile-friendly Valentine’s Day that they won’t soon forget.

Replace Sweets With Healthy Alternatives

It wouldn’t feel like Valentine’s Day without consuming something delicious and heart-shaped, would it? In place of sticky candies or chewy chocolates that are hard to clean from your teeth, try making treats that are festive yet healthy, such as:

  • Heart-shaped pancakes, pizzas, or fruit kabobs
  • Strawberries and whipped cream
  • Chocolate dipped apple or pineapple slices

If you simply can’t survive the holiday without a decadent dessert, stick with things that are soft, such as ice cream, cake, or chocolate without caramel or toffee in the center. These are much easier to clean than their chewy counterparts. Be sure to rinse your mouth with water after eating your sweets to lower your risk of tooth decay.

Skip the Sweets Altogether

What’s even sweeter than eating a box of chocolates on V-Day? Doing something memorable with the person you care about. Whether you plan on celebrating with a special someone or a group of friends, make the most of this day of love by bonding over an exciting experience, such as spending the day hiking at the park, trying something new like a dance class, or hosting a casual movie night in your home. The options are endless when it comes to letting the people in your life know that you appreciate them without risking the well-being of your pearly-whites.

For more tips on keeping your teeth healthy and beautiful all year long, the friendly dental team at Access Dental is here to help. Schedule your appointment today to see why we’re Grande Prairie’s favourite family dental office!

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